Yellow snake with black stripes
Yellow snake with black stripes

However, finding yellow bellies is difficult because most of them are always burrowing, and they’re very secretive. Generally, you can find snakes anywhere in Texas. Locations of Texas Snake with Yellow Belly You can typically find them from April to November, although they’re very elusive, so they’re harder to come by. Moreover, these snakes only feed on smaller snakes and reptiles. This species isn’t venomous, and they’re not aggressive either. Texas News, Places, Food, Recreation, And Life. Kings Snake Crawling Over The Ground In Closeup Tropical Reptile Specie From America. Adult Yellow-bellied Kingsnakes can grow up to three feet long. Additionally, they have green bodies with yellow bellies. Yellow-bellied Kingsnakes, also known as Prairie Kingsnakes, are commonly found in agricultural fields, suburban areas, and other open habitats. They only bite, but only at times when they need to defend themselves. One thing they have in common is that they’re not venomous. These snakes differ in size, behavior, and habitat. The following are the yellow belly snakes that you can find in the state:

yellow snake with black stripes

For example, Plain-bellied Water Snakes are common in the swamps of Texas. Although yellow-bellied snakes are uncommon, their population is enormous. However, only a handful have unique distinctions, such as yellow bellies.

yellow snake with black stripes

There are over 105 species of snakes in Texas. Is there a reason why a Texas snake with a yellow belly has such color? Different Texas Snakes With Yellow Belly

Yellow snake with black stripes