When the object is destroyed, it has a 1/50 (2%) chance to drop a Terragrim rather than an Enchanted Sword. It is obtainable from the unique background object found in an Enchanted Sword Shrine or very rarely in the Caverns layer. Anything within this area takes constant damage. The Terragrim is a rare Pre-Hardmode melee weapon, the Terragrim's autoswings and appears as a series of blurred slashes aimed in the direction of the cursor. Weapons ChoicesFor weapons we have alot of choice including Yo-yos, Swords and Flails and Boomerangs and finally Spears + It is also the strongest set that is made from ore which can be mined from the start (with a Copper Pickaxe) It takes a total of 75 Platinum Bars on Desktop version And 300 Platinum ores for Desktop Version Platinum armor is a stronger alternative to Gold armor. + A full set grants a basic 13 defense plus a set bonus of 3 defense which equals a total of 16 defense + It takes a total of 75 Gold Bars or 300 Gold ore for Desktop

Gold armor is the fourth armor set in the game. + Which i wouldn't recommend you getting this armor early because of how hard it is, but we still have another option. + Eater of Souls only spawn in the Corruption Biome ,and the world that you created also has to be Corruption.
#Ranger terraria guide how to#
+ How to Obtain : Each piece of the armor has a 0.19% to drop from Eater of souls. If you were lucky and patient enough to get a full set of Ancient Shadow armor then you currently have the second best armor possible you can have before bosses, as of 1.4.