A blown pupil
A blown pupil

a blown pupil


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a blown pupil

There is a special artifical pupil that is used in cases where the eye is born without an iris (aniridia) but I do not know if it will help moderately dilated pupils. There is a surgical procedure that can stitch the pupil smaller bt it won't dilate and makes the back of the eye hard to see. If totally incapacitation there are special contact lens that contain an artifical iris and a small pupil. That will make it smaller (usually but not always) but it won't react (get bigger or smaller). Options include using weak solutions of pilocarpine to constrict the pupil. Some improvment may occur with time but my experience is that at 6 months if it hasn't got better it isn't going to improve anymore. A blown pupil can really occure with most any type of eye surgery including cataract and corneal transplants. These run in the white part of the eye and these cannot be identified and may be damaged by cryopexy, diathermy, sutures, constricting the eye. The mechanism is damage to the long nerves that bring the contricting impulses to the pupil. Yes a large non-reactive or poorly reactive pupil is common after retinal detachment surgery especially if encircling bands are placed around the eye.

A blown pupil